Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hello Romania! - days 4 & 5

Iasi Botanical Garden - 5th day 

The 4th day was a long and boring cultural day-trip...
We woke up very early to go to Târgu Neamţ to visit a medieval fortress built in the 14th century. I remember that there was a tour guide with us who started talking about Petru I and other historical things and bla bla bla but nobody was listening to him ahahahah...
After that we moved to Suceava to see the planetarium and a museum of romanian history:
I was really bored and tired and the only thing I wanted was to go back to the hotel and have some rest in my room but sadly there was one more place to see: 
another monastery 60km far.
When we arrived a priest guided us to a sort of museum of the monastery.  
-Another museum? seriously? I was really fed up... -
Then we were taken to an underground crypt full of monk skulls!
It was very creepy but surely also the most interesting part of the day.

The 5th day was luckily less heavy than the previous one.
We went to Iasi, the second most populous city in Romania known also as the Cultural Capital. We started visiting the botanical garden of the city, then 
we went to Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, the oldest higher education institution in the country, to see the "Hall of lost steps" which is a room full of particular frescos... 
After that we had a quick tour of the University of  Electrical Engineering where we also attended some cool electrical experiments.



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